
Manifesting Perfect Mental Health: How to Heal PTSD With Revision Aug 12, 2018

One day I was having a conversation with someone who was explaining to me why they were unable to manifest. They were explaining how, due to their PTSD, they were traumatically affected in a way that doesn't allow them to think clearly or properly, especially in the case of using the imagination....

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Everyone Is You Pushed Out Feb 11, 2018

We've been getting a lot of questions lately about the concept of, "everyone is you pushed out". The idea that everyone in this world is a reflection of you. That people are only telling you what you have imagined or thought in previous moments, hours, or days. 

The fact is that anyone...

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Think Like a Mystic Jan 17, 2018

In my previous post about suspending judgment, I made the claim that in order to manifest your desires, you must avoid any logic from the senses while contemplating and imagining the successful outcome of your desire. I also made the claim that your imagination is the creator of all the exists;...

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A Key to Manifestation: Suspension of Judgment Jan 16, 2018

Often when listening to Neville, he repeats the same things over and over again, and abbreviates key terms so as to be able to use them quickly and to reinforce the main ideas. Imagination creates reality, and so to say how to do it every time in great detail is not something that he always did....

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The Detective's Curse Jan 13, 2018

There is this feeling like life has slipped through your fingers.

Like the future is behind you, like it's always been behind you. Like it's out of your control. Life waxes and it wanes. At times we feel like we are in ultimate control. Other times we feel like we have no control whatsoever.


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Preparation Is Key to Manifestation: Are You Ready? Jan 13, 2018

Time and time again I have asked for things, via the act of imagining, and watched it unfold in my life. Sometimes it is specific, and sometimes it is more vague. God does abundantly above all we think or as, and that means, at times, that what we receive is not 100% exactly what we ask for, but...

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