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Manifesting Perfect Mental Health: How to Heal PTSD With Revision

Aug 12, 2018

One day I was having a conversation with someone who was explaining to me why they were unable to manifest. They were explaining how, due to their PTSD, they were traumatically affected in a way that doesn't allow them to think clearly or properly, especially in the case of using the imagination.

This was my response to her:

I have had very similar feelings as you. My old man's past is questionable. There was suffering. But we must revise. For so long as I consider myself a person with PTSD, as long as I think that the past is plaguing the future, as long as I believe that those feelings will control me, they do.

One thing I do is bring the thought or feeling very close to me. The reason I do this is because if I am running from a feeling or thought, that thought is literally dictating my action. I call it "being driven by fear." But if I can sit with that thought or feeling, and BREATHE, bring it close, then it no longer controls my actions. Wonderful, miraculous things can happen. I only do this if I am able to though, because sometimes, at the time, things are unbearable. But if the unbearable feeling persists, I gently ask my subconscious mind to release the deep emotions attached to the scene so that I may revise it. The subconscious mind will listen.

Also, one thing I do is LITERALLY revise the scenes which have caused me grief.


How do I do this? Multiple ways. Sometimes I literally re-enact the scene but me taking an alternate action. Or I visualize myself BEFORE the traumatizing scene and never show up to the scene. Or, I supersede the feelings of the scene. I can say, "Wow, that person was perhaps sick. I feel bad for him (depending if it was someone else who had harmed me). I am okay"

There are many ways to shed the old man, which is what you are talking about. Diligence is important, because it is vital that I do not feel the same emotions of shame, guilt, fear, etc. I must renew the new self daily. The state of mind which controlled me in the past is not the state of mind that I have today. But it is important that every single morning I renew my mind to the new state. Otherwise, the old character Joe sometimes has a better chance of taking precedence.

But the longer I switch my thought patterns, the longer I visualize the end result, the newer the character I take the form of. The more choice I have in the matter of who I am, and who I am to become.

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