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The Detective's Curse

Jan 13, 2018

There is this feeling like life has slipped through your fingers.

Like the future is behind you, like it's always been behind you. Like it's out of your control. Life waxes and it wanes. At times we feel like we are in ultimate control. Other times we feel like we have no control whatsoever.

The solution to everything my whole life was right under my nose. And I was watching everything else. Sin literally means, "to miss the mark". There are many types of sins in this life. It means to go against what you know is right. In Romans in the bible it says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." But by death it does not mean to die, not in the physical sense. It means a spiritual death. It means to die in your sins. To not be able to shed the old man. To be held down, and crucified in your current state. The cross you bear will be unchanged. And the cross is yourself.

I've had many sins in my life -- for what man would consider sin. I've missed the mark for many years. Fear, false-perception, and not striving toward what I knew I should -- those are each one kind of sin -- for me, but my true failure was inattention -- and I understand that now. Through my failure to recognize what lived within me, what I had access to, what was creating everything under the sun -- and beyond, the God within my imagination. It was right in front of me, inside of me, and therefore it is the Detective's Curse. For the solution to be right under my nose, all along -- and never perceive it to be there. The world is not all joy, all happiness, all fun, all bliss. Instead, the world is filled with all types of good, bad, and indifferently perceived events. But those are not what matters, for those are changed all the time. Nothing in static, and everything is forever changing -- consumed, and created.

Joy and glory are not to be placed in the hands of a thing, person, or place -- for those are only a mere reflection of yourself. And when you place those things in the hands of something outside of or above the glory of God, you will lose them.

We take things for granted. We are deceived. We are hurt. But the glory that literally lives within us far surpasses the pain that we may experience. The only thing we must become aware of, the thing we must bring our attention to, is that our very mind, our imagination, or God within that imagination, is dictating the events that transpire on the outside.

At first, when realizing this, it can be painful. But through time, trial, and error, we then understand that it is actually a blessing. Even though the past events may be mixed with troubles and joy, we can slowly start to shift our reality to be filled with Godly, beautiful events.

Our imagination is the dictating force of this world. It is possible that you are the only person in this world, and everyone else is only a projection of you, in totality and complete trueness. And if that were true, and the element inside of you known as your human imagination is the only thing that is dictating this life outside of you, yet you are subject to it -- what would you do? Would you not have this imagination inside of you, this operant power which is hidden in plain sight, create a life beyond your wildest dreams?

Would you not have it dictate to you a world of bliss? Would you not become the person you wanted to be, if you had the power to? The imagination as God is the solution to all problems. If you want to be something, you must simply place the image of the person you want to become inside your imagination and it will then "press play" and dictate your movie in 3D on the world outside of you.

The more I think about it, the more I know that everyone outside of myself is a projection. Through the years, and unnumbered experiences, I have proven to myself that whatever I impress upon my subconscious mind is manifested into reality. All of the different plays that exist in this world right now exist only because you first imagined them in your imagination. The people therein only are acting out on what role you have assigned them. They are only playing the part you wish them to play.

The movies you are watching are only a projection of your mind as well. The businesses that exist are only there because you're telling them to. The stock market is only acting out on the way you want it to act out. This is all the grand play, and you are God Himself, moving all of the parts.

The solution is not in money, nor people, nor things, nor is it in anything else that exists outside of myself. It was right under my nose, inside my imagination. Inattention is the only true sin. Not knowing how this world of shadows operates is the biggest sin of them all, for once this is mastered, you can then not be ignorant of the other sin in this world. It is true that if we take an action that is not in alignment with our moral code, one that gives us a feeling of, "I should not be doing this", you will manifest something in equal proportion to fit that feeling -- but these sins are not the greatest of all. For these can be mended, and corrected, and people will forgive, and you will forgive, and people will move on, and so will you. And there is no one who can sin against you, for you are the force operating your life.

Understand, now, that the dictating force of the entire world that you live in is being projected from your mind. Every single thing that happens in this world is happening because of you. There is no power in any person, place, or thing. Your mind is the mind doing this all. If you're searching for the answer, then this is it. The answer is that Christ dwells in your imagination. He is the operant power of God. He is crucified in your skull. He is within you. And Christ is the Power of God. And God is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. And God made man in His image. And the manifestations of this Holy Spirit is given to every man to operate for his profit, as he will.

So now let me tell you how you can test this theory. For all of you have the power to operate and control your world. You must first understand that every single thing that you hold in your imagination, without effort, is recreated in this world. It has always been doing this, and will continue to do this. And if this is true, which it is, the only thing needed to change your world would be to change the thoughts you are playing to your imagination. You will simply need to feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and hold it in your mind's eye. When you do this, when you hold it in your mind's eye, it will be impressed upon your subconscious mind. When it is impressed upon your subconscious mind, it will then be recreated in the world of shadows, the world of death, this 3D world that you live in physically.

Once you have done this, and once you have played the scene in your imagination, you will begin to see the world start to take shape. The people in your world will begin to take on the roles of actors which are now playing the part for you. All people will move, if necessary, to make sure you get to your end result. And this is how it has happened from the moment you were born -- until now. You may wonder, how is this so? Try it. You will see. The only reason your days have been so the same is because your memories of the days previous have been continuously been recreating the same day, over and over. And all thoughts, feelings, ideas, and such that come in your mind will slightly change the days ahead.

But if you give a completely new image -- an image of your desired wish completely fulfilled, if you imagine the end of the desired result in it's completed form, and you play the role of yourself in this scene, and give it all the tones of reality, and hold it there, until it feels real, and you persist in the assumption that it is done -- feel the feelings associated with your fulfilled desire, and play it out, you will receive your fulfilled wish. You will be moved, and the entire world will be moved, to make sure you get it. For this whole world is for you. The whole creation herein is for you. There is nothing that is in this world that is outside of yourself. For in your imagination is God, and there is only ONE GOD, and God dwells in everything, and all things, and all things are made from God. So God will continue to move and mold this world of shadows to fit your idea of the man desire to be if you hold that scene in your minds eye until it forms a negative of the world you desire. It is like a camera when you open the shutter and it lets the light in, and burns the imagine on the film, in a time exposure. If you don't hold it long enough, it will not develop. But if you hold it correctly, with the right feelings, and scene, it will develop into the perfect picture.

So again, do not let the Detective's Curse grip you. For it continued in me for too long a time. Examine your world for yourself. You are now given the gift of knowledge of what is within you and how to work it. So put it to the test. If there was nothing between you and the person you want to be, what would you be? What would it feel like? What would you see? What feelings would you feel? If it was already done, and there was nothing else to do. What would you be? Think about it. Then get into a state which suspends all judgment, all senses, and all logic. Make it so the only thing you want to move is your imagination, for it should feel good to feel like the person you want to feel. SUSPEND ALL JUDGMENT, do not account for the world as it is now, but only the world as you desire it to be. And when you enter into the scene as if it were already completely fulfilled, and hold it there, that is you pushing the idea on your imagination. Your imagination is God, and God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. And all things are possible to God. And you ARE God.

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