
Do Negative Thoughts Interfere with Manifestations? (Neville Goddard) Oct 01, 2021

Many will try to cover up their negative thoughts by imagining their end, but let me ask you this does your imaginal scene imply that you no longer have those negative thoughts?

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he is a Proverb in scripture, which talks about the reality of man. Your heart,...

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Neville Goddard's Model of Manifested Reality Outline Sep 14, 2021

Here is the outline for the Workshop: Neville Goddard's Model of Manifested Reality Outline. Consciousness is reality, which ultimately is the cause of the phenomenon of life. It's not JUST Consciousness, it's AWARENESS -- the ultimate source of reality. Your awareness consists of, is inside of,...

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How Your Reality Was Manifested: Your Life is Yesterday's Manifestation Sep 01, 2021

The Basis of Your Reality: Your Life is Nows Manifestation

Consciousness is the one true reality

Sit back and observe, for a moment, the thoughts that are entering your mind.

Then sit back and observe the sensations The ground beneath your feet

Then imagine yourself holding a $100 dollar bill


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Infinite States of Consciousness: How to Manifest New Realities Aug 27, 2021

We are told: You are sons of the Most High, all of you. (Not just a few, but all of us). Nevertheless, you will die like men and fall.....into infinite states of consciousness, for states are that into which the sons of the Most High fall.

  1. A state is an attitude of mind

    1. a state of experience...

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Success Stories for Manifestation Aug 18, 2021


I was just reading over some of Neville Goddard's teachings, and stumbled across some of the stories he tells. Nothing excites and provides assurance as much as success stories. This is a call for you to send me your epic success stories. All deliberate manifestations are success. 


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Manifesting Questions to Create Perfect Imaginal Scenes: Manifesting Lifestyle Aug 01, 2021

What would you try if you knew you could not fail?

What would you like to be your biggest triumph by the end of the year?

What advice would you like to give yourself as you begin the New Year?

What would you be most happy about completing?

What major indulgence are you willing to experience?


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Make the REST of 2021 COUNT: Manifest Your Desires Jul 28, 2021

Most people hear manifesting, and think of it as something to add to their life, to support them in achieving their goals. Most think of it as something to turn to when the cards have dealt a hand from which it looks impossible to win. So they turn to manifesting in their time of extreme need,...

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Mid-Year Manifestation Analysis & Inventory: Law of Attraction Techniques Jul 15, 2021

I remember before doing the YouTube channel, so many people had asked me to make a channel, and when I finally decided to give in just do it. It's not always easy starting new things, as there will be difficult and challenging times along the way, guaranteed. Not only that, but fear of failure,...

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Joseph Alai's Manifestation Journey Jul 04, 2021


My manifesting story...

In my YouTube videos, I withhold nothing. But these workshops and Q&A's give you step-by-step accounts and materials to test these teachings, as well as a way to interact with me live, along with a chat service with multiple rooms by section. 

I come from...

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Manifestation Hidden Secret Formula (Found 2900 Years Ago) Jun 27, 2021

It's 11:11PM here in San Diego, California. 

I was reading some of the King James Bible to translate some of the letters behind the words, the TRUE meaning (not the incorrect meanings taught and believed by billions today). I often wish I could meet and thank Neville Goddard for providing me...

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Manifesting Technique: Mastering Attention Jun 14, 2021

Neville says, "The great secret of success is to focus the attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled with- out permitting any distraction."

Whether you've been manifesting for a day, a week, a month, or a year or more, no one has more potential power than the next person. It is through...

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Proving You Are God Written Meditation... The KEY TO Success Jun 03, 2021

I was planning on giving a shoutout for tonight's workshop (2 hours), but have also felt compelled to ask you some questions that I ask myself every day that help me manifest... I think if you do this, you will figure out an answer to a question that you have always wanted to know...

Take five...

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