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Redirecting The Subconscious Mind To BeOn Course: Using Manifestation Techniques From The Bible

Aug 23, 2018

Something I've been reading lately is that the autopilot of the subconscious mind is that of what we have conditioned it to be. Therefore, I must condition her to obey me. And when she obeys me, I then direct her to become that which I desire -- that which I visualize.

My subconscious mind does what I have taught her to do in my 29 years of existence. And she repeats yesterday. Over and over.

So what if I desire to take on the form of something else?


I must become AWARENESS. What does that mean? I must give back the undesired aspects of the former character called Joe, the character of Yesterday, a year ago, a decade ago, or even 5 minutes ago. All subconscious memory of the character called Joe -- eg.: my habits, thought processes, fears, and anything else -- must be removed. I must do that through impressing upon the subconscious mind that which I desire. I also must do this by TAMING those desires. I must sit quiet, and breathe -- I AM.

And when I am sitting in the silence -- when I am unaware of Joe, and when those forces appear which are trying to direct me to do that which the old character Joe would normally do -- that is when I must tell my subconscious to remain still and know that I AM GOD. That is the crucifixion.

When I am fully successful at this, after a while during the sitting, I then choose who I desire to become. In my human imagination, while in the state of awareness, I visualize and take on the form of the state I desire. And when I do that, and when I stay in that state, and not waiver, and I am IN the state with the tones of reality, in a way I will never know -- a series of events will unfold, and the exact event which I have acted out in my mind over and over again, with unwavering faith in its becoming, I AM then become that which I desired.

It cannot fail.

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