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Manifesting Love with Visualization

Aug 24, 2018

 "Faithfully imagine the end and all things conspire to aid her in her harvesting". That's a quote from Neville Goddard that I have written in huge letters on my whiteboard in my house. It means basically exactly what it says. But in other words, what I do, is on a piece of paper I brainstorm and come up with an event that would occur if what I desired actually took place.


I have used it before with a relationship. I imagined the girl and I together, hanging out, being intimate, etc. I made the scene and then I replayed it in my head OVER AND OVER until I could tell you what she was wearing in my visualization, what she felt like, where we were, what she smelled like, what her kiss was like, what we were saying to each other, etc. I kept replaying the exact scene over, and over, and over, until it was automatic. All the while KNOWING THAT BECAUSE I WAS DOING THIS IT WAS GOING TO COME TO PASS. 


It happened. But the way it happened I couldn't have planned. I knew the end, but we don't have to, and shouldn't try to figure out the steps in between. They will happen naturally. The threads are subtle. But one way or another I found myself in the desired state.


I repeat this process with everything I desire, and it comes to pass. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. 


Just provide your subconscious with the image of the wish fulfilled, with sensory vividness and emotion, with the expectation that it will happen (because it will), and she (your subconscious mind) will give you anything you want.

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