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I Manifested an Empty Starbucks in Downtown San Diego!

Aug 24, 2018

Another cool manifestation from my subconscious that just happened right now that I'd like to share :).

I work Downtown San Diego in the Gaslamp Corridor. If you know anything about it, it's not a gigantic city, but it's a happening, busy, fun city.

Since I was promoted to the Go developer, I have to do some ramping up on the project I'm involved with. It was difficult for me to concentrate in the office with everyone else, and the chill room is taken. I told my co-workers, "I'm going to lock myself in Chris's old office, for peace and quiet, so I am not disturbed at all. Every time I hear someone's voice I am distracted."

So I went into Chris's office (the guy who was just fired which lead to the chain of events where I got this new position) and it is PEACEFUL. No one speaking. No interruptions. After settling in, I just took a trip to Starbucks (it's on the corner of the street I work on) to grab a half-decaf latte. This Starbucks is, no matter what time, packed. Always tons of people there.

I guess my subconscious heard me when I said I wanted peace and quiet, and to not be disturbed by anyone.

I walked into the Starbucks and it was empty. Completely empty. 100% empty. I walked in, and you could hear a pin drop. Not a single person in there when I walked in. Eventually I had to jingle my keys for someone to come out. I said, "Have you ever seen it this empty in here?" The barista said, "Never. It's never been like this."

I love my subconscious mind hahahah!!!!!

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