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How I Manifested the Perfect Position at Work and Avoided Disaster with Visualization

Aug 23, 2018

The last few days, things have changed a lot in the office where I am working. I started the job March 5 of this year. During the time of my employment, my subconscious has made it possible for me to already become promoted to a new position, as well as get me a business trip of my desire to Denver on August 27th of this month.

The last week has been hectic -- no doubt because of the thoughts that I have been allowing in my subconscious mind. The medium which provided me with the promotion and the Conference in Denver, George, resigned suddenly two days ago.

Yesterday, someone became the Lead who is known as the thick-headed argumentative employee. It was a perfect opportunity for him and it looks like his subconscious mind provided him with that which he desired. However, in doing so, Angelo (the new Lead), wants to remove all usage of the programming language which I was promoted to use, and regarding which I am attending this conference. He wants to migrate all of the old software platforms to an old-school language, one which has NO place in the industry I am in.

He also switched my job to a menial position with no growth or hope. For me, I require challenge and creativity. That's that.

So anyway, yesterday I started a conversation about how it should not be his decision to solely choose the outcome of those projects. Literally, he started dictating what we will be using, what to eliminate, and he wanted to bring in an old-school language that no one approves of, into our software. He went behind everyone's back and talked to the superiors, providing false information as to why we didn't want to use Go anymore (Golang is a programming language developed by Google that is up and coming). They were lies, and they were simply false arguments so as to get him what he has always wanted -- complete control because, "He knows better than anyone in the company."

When we started this conversation, he started addressing those same lies to the engineer team (us). However, we know false from fact. So I immediately started poking holes in his claims, which were ALL false. He began to deviate from reason and started saying things such as, "Why are you so attached?" "No on in here even knows Go" "You haven't even deployed anything!" None of these points were accurate. I was trained on the job for the last 4 months, and at home, regarding Go. I also have launched deployments which over 20 million people are using my software per month -- with Go.

The conversation ended with him laughing at me, me BLOWING UP at him, and me leaving the office.

I went home, started looking for another job, started asking for advise. And began to conjure up points and facts that I could bring to the higher ups. My job here was at stake, one which I loved so dearly. It was uprooted to the point where the Job Description of which I applied did not even match anymore. Then -- suddenly, I came to my senses, and realized what had to be done. I was using my will-power to try to control the situation. I was using my force to try to control outwardly the situations that need to first be established inwardly.

My Visualization

So last night, I laid in my bed and began to conjure up an imaginal act. The same type of imaginal act which got me the job, the position increase, the conference, and anything worth-wile in my life today. I began to breathe correctly, with my diaphragm. I relaxed, and used the I AM technique. Then I visualized me typing on the computer -- this post. I imagined being filled with joy in explaining how my subconscious came through again. I imagined me clicking away, typing rapidly, explaining this story. I imagined uploading a picture at the end. Then I imagined re-reading it, so happy that it had become reality.

I explained how the situation had worked out perfectly, and how I am still the Go developer, but have even more solidified confidence that nothing like this would happen again. There were a few times where my resentment crept back in, but I explicitly told my subconscious mind to ignore me, and to bring me back to the truth -- the world within. Now, I know through trial and error, through experience and journaling from over 5 years of asking, visualizing, and receiving, that my subconscious will bring to reality all things which I impress on her. There is no doubt. I brought my belief and feeling back to the truth -- that this would be made manifest.

I became resolved that I would not take a single action myself, and that I would leave it to my subconscious to bring this vision to life.


I drifted off to sleep, in love.

The Results


This morning when I was driving to work, I was visualizing the pleasant outcome to my desire. Then I got there. Apparently although I used my willpower to try to dictate the scene, it was what was necessary to grab everyone's attention. Not one, but two people of higher authority came up to me and consoled me for the argument yesterday, and explained that he would not carry on doing such things.

They explained that we although, of course, we do not want him to fail, that way of sole dictatorship would not be able to continue. They told me to wait it out, and that everything would be resolved. They also mentioned how ripping Go out of the code base would impact the company negatively. He then mentioned this... "Angelo is new. He is afraid of anything he does not understand. It's a rookie mistake. He doesn't know Go, so instead he wants to remove it and use something he is more comfortable with."

This was a sign, but not the complete answer I had seen.

During lunch, I had a doctor's checkup. I went to the doctor, who happened to be an avid Software Engineer fan, and began to ask me questions about my software background. I began to use this as an opportunity to exercise my belief with my subconscious mind.

I told him, "I am the sole Go developer right now, but more and more of the group are starting to follow suit. We use Go for many different reasons, and it is perfect for the amount of traffic we get with out software." I elaborated more, but in the tense that all of the desires I had imagined the night before were fact. It was the perfect opportunity to explain to him that everything I imagined was true. And I did.

Later on, I got back to the office. I continued through the day, and I held my tongue, the entire day, as far as Angelo is concerned. Later on, Derek, the VP came up to me and asked me if I knew any details about Gophercon (the conference which I manifested, that I mentioned earlier). He said "George is not here anymore, do you know any details of the flight, hotel, etc.? Also, do you know anyone that would like to go with you?"

George, the Director of Engineering who had just resigned, was the one who was going to go to Gophercon. He resigned, so instead of wasting the money (since he can no longer go), Derek wanted to see if we could get someone to fill his spot.

I said, "I can get some of the details, but you know, Angelo is going to rip out Go from all of our software. I don't even know what to do."

He said, "Well we will see about that. But lets take care of first things first and find someone who can go to Gophercon with you so we can fulfill this other ticket."

I paused for a minute, then said... "Wait... What if I can get Angelo to go?!"

Derek said, "Good idea. See what you can do!"


All of a sudden, everything started to click. I knew that because of all the events that were transpiring this morning that they were all signs showing me that I was going to receive what I desired. Every single time, if I imagine something, and I start seeing signs, it is ultimate proof and faith that my desire is to be manifested. No question. The only issue I have sometimes is figuring out the HOW IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN of it.


But now I knew, I saw all the dots connect. Angelo was in a tight spot, he was afraid to learn Go. He had no resources to do so, and had been adverse to Go all along. Now that he was Lead, he could finally remove it and do something that he more understood. But now, I knew, that there was a train of events in motion that would ultimate lead him to letting me back in as a Go developer and us expanding and enhancing our software by not only Keeping, but using Go MORE! I understood how my subconscious mind was using all of the people, events, actions, etc, in the world, to MANIFEST MY DESIRE! I was going to ask him to go to Gophercon, where he could learn Go, get pumped up about it, and in accepting my invitation, he would inadvertently "sign the dotted line" at his own will, and accept using and implementing Go in our projects.

So around 4:00PM, Angelo asked me to go for a walk with him. I already know that my subconscious mind had lined this up. It was perfect. It was fate.

We walked around Gaslamp San Diego, and he began to chatter a bit about George, and also about our argument yesterday. He said the he brought it up to the VP of Culture because she had asked him how the team was coming along.

We chattered through a bit, and then I felt obliged to throw him a bone. He truly is a good person, and I do not want him to fail, so I started to lovingly convey the messages to him that the higher ups had brought to my attention -- about their dis-ease regarding his inability to delegate or trust others, and also his actions regarding removing Go because he didn't know how to use it.


He took my criticism constructively, which is what it was intended to be.

Right before we walked inside, I said, "I have one more question. Do you want to go to Gophercon with me in 3 weeks?"

He said he had to check his calendar because he had a Wedding the weekend of... But I already knew the stars were aligned with this one. He finally said that he had mixed up the dates and that he was free, and that he "would love to 'GO'!"

After the fact, I in the elevator and the rest of my co-workers were up there. The team that was there yesterday during the argument, with Angelo so avidly against Go. I told them that Angelo was going to Gophercon with me. Mike looked at me stunned for a second and then began to laugh. He was one of the ones who had went to speak to the higher ups in hopes to remove Angelo from the position. Jared started laughing a lot and said, "haha! That's a perfect opportunity for you to get to know Go!" and Austin was too stunned to say anything.

Here was a guy who was so avidly and completely against Go yesterday, and within 24 hours, a complete psychic change and a series of events occurred which completely changed the course of my career and Angelo's mind. There were numerous actors in this real scene which played dire roles, of which -- if a single one of them were not involved, this would not have worked out.

So now, here I am, at the end of the night, finishing up my story. The exact intention of the day has been met, and my subconscious mind came through in a manor which was too perfect to have planned. 

There were things that I didn't even know about Angelo that my subconscious mind did, and She used EVERYTHING in the universe to fulfill my desire.


  1. My subconscious mind got coworkers talking about the argument
  2. My subconscious mind got management talking to me and filling me in on why he was the way he was -- afraid because he did not learn Go -- and how they were unhappy.
  3. My subconscious mind had my DOCTOR ask me about Go so I could exercise my faith.
  4. My subconscious mind got Derek the VP to talk to me to remind me about George leaving and to ask me about who I could get for Gophercon, precisely before Angelo had come to ask me for a walk.
  5. This triggered the intuition that he needed to go to Gophercon in order for him to be comfortable working with Go, and for this whole event to be fulfilled.
  6. My subconscious mind got Angelo to ask me to go on a walk
  7. My subconscious mind allowed a chance for me to explain to him the criticism I had available
  8. My subconscious mind provided the perfect moment for me to ask him to go to Gophercon. -- a free 4 day vacation in Denver, Colorado! What a perfect usage!
  9. My subconscious mind made the weekend available perfectly to him.
  10. He accepted.


My subconscious mind used every aspect of reality and made my visualization manifest info a perfect reality.


Visualization with feeling, breathing correctly, and faith. Those are the ingredients I used for this manifestation. It is God within us. "As within, so without."


It was a great lesson so as to show that if something does not exist within, then it surely does not exist without -- and no matter how much effort, fighting, planning, etc, all will be of no avail. Not unless, of course, it first exists within as an imaginal act, impressed on our subconscious mind, or God, within.

[UPDATE 8/24/18]

Two weeks after this event transpired, I am still working full time with Go and have been elevated to a better position. 

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